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I’m soooooo thrilled you've landed here.


Are you ready to transform your relationship? From feeling like you’re just ‘best friends', to the divine, sensual, sexy, lovers and soul mates you were when you first met...or maybe you are simply curious and want to experience even more pleasure

The Art of Intimacy: A Tantric Journey

The truth is WE ARE NOT TAUGHT THIS STUFF you could be feeling closer than you ever have to your beloved partner and enjoying transcendental, orgasmic, intimate sex in just a few months.

  • Without having to keep jumping from counsellor to counsellor

  • Without having to schedule in & force a million ‘date nights’ or have awkward chats with your partner that just lead to fights

  • Without having to google search ‘how to reignite the spark’ or waste hours reading another ‘relationship book’ that has ZERO actual PLAN for you to fix your relationship!

  • Without having to just keep calm & carry on while the ginormous elephant in the room keeps getting bigger and bigger (I mean, how long can you both keep ignoring that your sex life is in the toilet!?)

Because let’s face it - nothing drains you more than having to force yourself to have ‘OK-ish’ or even ‘crap sex’ on the regular, because you don’t have the heart to tell your partner that the way you’re doing it just isn’t working for you anymore.


Or maybe you’re not having ANY sex at all, because you always seem to have a ‘reason’ why now’s not the time...too tired...too busy...the kids...


Or maybe you are none of the above and you are just curious how your intimate life could be even better !!!


Ready to reignite the spark? AND have fun doing it. Yes Please !!


These days you’re more like room-mates




For some of you, it’s the deep knowing that your intimate life can be even more soul-fulfilling, deeper, and mutually satisfying. You don't want to be one of 'those' couples. You have heard of Tantra and have the desire to explore what it's all about.


Or you may be in a relationship that you absolutely love, you adore your partner, feel very blessed and lucky to have them & life with them is really good...And you may still be wondering...


‘How can it get even this as good as it gets?’
‘Can we experience even more pleasure together?
‘Is there a way for me to experience more pleasure in life in general?”


The answer is a BIG YES !!!! YES there is.

Micro tantra tools can take your intimacy to the next level no matter where you are in your relationship

In my Art of Intimacy Program in just a few months, you’ll be enjoying blissful and intimate sex
& emotional intimacy leaving you falling in love with your partner all over again – only this time it’s even better! You will learn how to keep the intimate fire burning that brings an extra spring to your step. Your friends will be wanting some of what you have got. An extra glow and radiance about you.


And it doesn’t have to take a lot of time either, using simple Tantra tools I’ll show you how to connect to your partner emotionally & physically in just a few minutes (I love to use mini, micro tools – instead of hour long tutorials or practices – because who has the time for that?!).


While counselling can sometimes be necessary for some couples – I’ve found only focussing on ‘problem-focussed therapy’ in your relationship and sex life, can just keeps you stuck on what’s ‘not working’.


What you need is the right Tantric education around how true intimacy is created and how the body is aroused (hint: it’s not what you see in porn). Plus you need simple & fun physical tools and methods that you can implement to release stress that might be getting in the way of good sex, to get your libido firing again, to spark that emotional connection and resurrect your desire to have regular sex with each other (because duty sex is the worst!).


You are not the problem.


Many of my clients tell me what a relief it is to learn that when their relationship hits a wall in this way (both emotionally & physically) it’s not their fault. And there’s definitely nothing wrong with them. It’s actually normal for the passion to fade in a relationship over time, but what most people don’t know is that with the right Tantra tools & methods it’s pretty easy to replenish that attraction. The truth is when it comes to sex – nobody has to perform like a porn star! This is where most couples go wrong – trying to ‘perform’ for each other which only erodes a genuine connection, because it’s not real – it’s a performance!


The Tantric Journey

Over 4 months, you’ll learn the Tantric journey; a beautiful, conscious approach to being intimate with your loved one – and you don’t have to sacrifice amazing sex either – you can have both.


We’ll kick off with a 90 minute VIP Couple’s Session where I’ll work with you personally over zoom to get clarity on your unique situation and to get you in a yummy space of connection, love and renewal. This sets you up for success in the full program.

Within just 4 months you’ll:

  • Have an entire toolkit of simple micro Tantric practices to use in your relationship to create the lasting, loving connection & hot sex you thought might not be possible in a long-term relationship (newsflash – it is!)

  • Know exactly how to bring the attraction back...quickly

  • Be looking forward to intimate time with your partner instead of dreading it

  • Have saved your relationship from petering out (or even an eventual separation)

  • Have the conscious, emotionally & physically intimate partner that you’ve been dreaming of

One of the areas couples struggle with the most is how to ‘talk’ to each other about sensitive topics like sex, what they desire, dislike without hurting each other’s feelings so you’ll also receive some simple methods to have gentle, loving conversations that will create more intimacy instead of offending each other.

Ready for your intimate life to take a turn?
A turn towards deeply satisfying intimacy for you both? just like when you first met, but better!



“We have been married for 17 years and have 3 children. It’s easy and common for intimacy to become a lower priority. Working with Tara has enhanced our intimate communication, creating a sense of openness and expression in our sex life, and this has improved the depth and quality of our connection on all levels. We are so grateful to Tara for the work she does and the way it has expanded and enriched our love and connection.”


- Matt & Deanna, Sydney

“Thanks for the wonderful course. It brought down barriers and an awkwardness I didn't even realize was there. We've since been so much closer and much more loving towards each other. A lot of the tools Tara taught us have been really quite easy to bring in spontaneously at the moment. What we have learned has released a certain pressure we both seem to have been feeling regarding more goal-oriented physical touch. Less pressure equals more fun, relaxation, pleasure, and ease.”


- Yolanda, Sydney

“The tools we’ve learned from you have been such a lifesaver while we’ve been so busy lately. We find ourselves in these ‘doing’ states where it almost feels irresponsible to stop the doing because there’s so much to do.. but then we take some time, put on some music, dance together and use the tantra tools we know and we’re able to still connect properly when I’m sure we wouldn’t if we didn’t have the tools.”


- Luke & Olivia, Sydney

So what does this look like?

Over 4 months, you’ll receive 8 powerful modules of content delivered via a private portal with video & worksheet format so you can go at your own pace and fit this in around your other obligations. Most videos are only 5 – 20 minutes long making it very manageable.


Few extra bonuses for being courageous!

Bonus 1 - Retune and Reignite Intimacy ~ 90 minute Masterclass with special guests Relationship coaches John and Amanda from Retune, who help couples reconnect

Bonus 2 - The Power of Stillness in Tantra ~ Masterclass featuring Alison Petrie with Tara Fischer  - 90 minute Live Masterclass

Bonus 3 - Mojo Magic Masterclass ~ 90 min live class with a prerecorded practice

Ready for your intimate life to take a turn?
A turn towards deeply satisfying intimacy for you both?

The effects of what you’ll learn in this program will go way beyond your love life!


By harnessing your life force and creative sexual energy you’ll naturally tap into an inner power that you didn’t know was there.


Don’t be surprised if you have a new lease on life because your newfound connection with your partner will open up your hearts making room for more joy and bliss across all areas of your life.


Imagine – just a few short months from now your partner could be cradling your face, gazing lovingly into your eyes saying “ WOW last night...was amazing!”

There are currently limited places available so get in touch so I can hold you a place.


Click the button below to get started (I have a maximum of 5 places.)

Ready to reignite the spark?

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